Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Now Akbar is not 1st runner up L-men 2012

Indonesian men for today he is Akbar Kurniawan, Akbar is runner up Indonesian male pageant L-Men 2012. He was representing indonesia in manhunt International 2012. I have posted him twice in Akbar Kurniawan Body and Mr. Akbar.

Now he is not 1st runner up L-men 2012. He became billboard model for photography contest who sponsored by Cigarette Companies and that is make his title as 1st runner up 2012 revoked. L-men very concern in Healthy Lifestyle, and Cigarette is not healthy.

akbar kurniawan

Akbar kurniawan body

cute asian men

l-men 2013 winner

akbar kurniawan dipecat l-men

akbar kurniawan scandal
Photo credit: L- Men, Samm Photohobbyist, Ariksby-Pictures, Nursasongko.