Hot Men from Brazil guys, hmm.... if i hear about Brazil why i always remember Jonas Sulzbach and his scandal webcam video -_- maybe because he's long hoho lol
Okay, now i am posting hot international model from Brazil, he is George Alves Irineu, i am also posting this blog pageviews. Indonesia still number 1 visitor for this blog, Malaysia 2nd and United States 3rd. Thank u wherever you came dude, in my busy activity i will try to spend time to post in this blog because of you guys. George Alves Irineu was born July 29, 1989 in Brazil. This photo was photographed by Wong Sim In Indonesia. For Indonesia maybe George Alves Irineu very familiar, George Alves Irineu is model in this ads: Rexona Invicible dry, Men's Biore Double Scrub and Indomie Tom Yum.

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