3 Handsome Arabian Men
Maybe 7 days ago, i heard funny news from Saudi Arabia.The news said three men from U.A.E have reportedly been deported from Saudi Arabia for being “too handsome”.They are visiting Saudi Arabia for Jenadrivah Heritage & Cultural Festival in Riyadh, A festival official said "they are too handsome", we are worrying female visitor falling in love with them.The news didn't report the name of 3 United Arab Emirates Men.
Inspired by that news, iam posting 3 Handsome Men with Arabian Face, i've found on google (they are not the 3 man who reportedly been deported).
1. Omar borkan algala, he is a model from U.A.E

2. Imran Abbas, he is an actor from Pakistan.

And the third Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum he is the Dubai’s crown prince. He is very popular for his talent in poetry and his cute face. He posed in two style here.The first cute style and the second manly style.

Photo credit: Borkan algala Photography, Imran Abbas, Sheikh Hamdan, Google and Other.